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The Law of Healthcare Administration, Eighth Edition

J. Stuart Showalter, JD

ISBN: 9781567938760
Hardbound, 656pp, 2017
Order Code: 2326
  • Member Price: $92.40
  • Non Member Price: $132.00

Book Description

Instructor Resources: test bank, two versions of a PowerPoint presentation, and an updated instructor’s manual with chapter overviews and talking points for the discussion questions that follow each chapter and major case excerpt.

The Law of Healthcare Administration offers a thorough examination of health law in the United States from a management perspective. Using plain language accessible to nonlawyers, the book moves from broad-brush treatments of the US legal system and the history of medicine to specific issues that affect healthcare leaders daily, including contracts, torts, taxation, antitrust laws, regulatory compliance, and, most pressing, health insurance reform and the important changes that have taken place since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law in 2010. The legal concepts discussed in the book are amply supported by real-life examples, detailed explanations, and excerpts from decisions of federal and state courts.

Highlights of the new edition include:

  • The status of ACA implementation following NFIB v. Sibelius and King v. Burwell, the two most serious legal challenges to the reform law
  • The history of nursing, added to the history of medicine chapter
  • The status of Medicare’s inpatient admission standards and the two-midnight rule
  • Prominent antitrust cases from Ohio, Idaho, and North Carolina
  • End-of-life issues, including the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) paradigm and death with dignity laws
  • The Whole Woman's Health case, in which the Supreme Court reaffirmed the essential holdings of Roe v. Wade and its progeny
  • The Supreme Court’s decision on implied certification, plus other issues related to false claims and fraud

  • Like the editions before it, the eighth edition of The Law of Healthcare Administration is practical and well suited to students and educators in health administration, public health, nursing, and similar programs and disciplines.