Kenneth Loder


Photo of Kenneth Loder
Managing Director
Huron Consulting Group


For over nine years, Kenneth “KC” Loder has helped client organizations innovate and transform in the face of disruption. His clients span a variety of industries, which has helped to broaden and deepen his relationship with innovation. As a healthcare leader at Innosight, Loder spends his time working on large-scale transformations in the healthcare provider and payor space.

Over the course of his career, Loder has focused on enabling long-term transformation for Innosight’s healthcare provider clients. Collaborating with leaders in this space, he helps his clients navigate consumer transformation, drive provider engagement and shift the care model toward value. He also helps providers explore how strategic partnerships can deliver outcomes that lend higher value, more affordability and a better experience overall. Loder has recently led efforts resulting in a restructuring of the strategic partnership between a payor and regional provider system.

Beyond his healthcare provider client work, Loder has also led several major transformations for clients in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Recently, he helped a newcomer in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry use vertical integration to address critical drug shortages and predatory pricing behavior. Loder has also worked in the defense, consumer, industrial and investor-owned utility space and was responsible for the development of new technologies to address severe drought conditions along the U.S. West Coast.

Before joining Innosight, Loder worked at Intermountain Healthcare, where he led the development of several key strategic initiatives, including the creation of two successful spinoff companies and the revitalization of the primary care model for SelectHealth’s Medicare Advantage members. While pursuing his undergraduate degree, Loder began a series of research efforts focused on capability development in international expansion, which he continues to this day.

Loder holds a master’s degree in public health (MPH) from the University of California, Berkeley and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in business management strategy from Brigham Young University.