Chip Caldwell, LFACHE


Photo of Chip Caldwell, LFACHE
Caldwell Butler 2, LLC


Chip Caldwell, LFACHE, is chairman of Caldwell Butler & Associates LLC, St. Augustine, Fla. He has served as an executive team performance coach for 20 years and is considered a thought leader in healthcare quality and performance improvement methodology. Mr. Caldwell was the healthcare representative on the U.S. Quality Council, and continues to serve as a member of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Board Support Team. He has also authored or co-authored six healthcare management books on cost reduction, accountable change models and the executive role in Lean Six Sigma. A nationally recognized speaker, he has led ACHE seminars for over 15 years.

Mr. Caldwell serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:
  • Achieving Speed, Spread, Scalability and Sustainability for Health Systems
  • Aggressively Improve Margin and Market Growth: 2020 National Research for C-Suite
Mr. Caldwell also authored the following Health Administration Press publications: