Members and Fellows Profile


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The American College of Healthcare Executives’ membership totaled 51,406 as of January 1, 2025. The following statistics represent the 40,262 in Member and Fellow statuses. Students account for 5,019 and other special member statuses account for the balance. Totals vary because of missing data in our database.

Age Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
< 30 1901 5.0
30-39 7,631 20.1
40-49 12,458 32.8
50-59 10,676 28.1
60+ 5,276 13.9
Total: 37,942 100.0
Median: - 47.5


GENDER Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Female 18,955 50.4
Male 18,663 49.6
Total: 37,618 100.0


RACE/ETHNICITY Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
White (non-Latino) 21,820 66.8
Black (non-Latino) 4,901 15.0
Hispanic/Latino 2,431 7.4
Asian or Pacific Islander 3,099 9.5
American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut 238 0.7
More than one minority selected 155 0.5
Total: 32,644 100.0


EDUCATION Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Doctorate or Two Masters 12,131 30.2
One Masters 24,159 60.2
Bachelors or less 3,824 9.5
Total: 40,114 100.0


FIELD OF HIGHEST GRADUATE DEGREE* Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Hospital/Health Service Administration 13,821 39.6
Business 9,318 26.7
Public Health/Public Administration 2,130 6.1
Clinical or Allied Health/Administration 7,244 20.8
Other 2,354 6.8
Total: 34,867 100.0


CIVILIAN STATUS Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Civilian 36,122 91.5
Veterans' Affairs 1,133 2.9
Uniformed Services 2,238 5.7
Total: 39,493 100.0


COLLEGE STATUS Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Member 31,565 78.4
Fellow 8,697 21.6
Total: 40,262 100.0


ORGANIZATION Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Freestanding Hospital/Medical Center 10,342 26.4
Member hospital of a non-Federal Hospital System 7,189 18.3
Member hospital of a Federal Hospital System (Military/VA/IHS) 2,389 6.1
Corporate Headquarters of a Healthcare System 4,263 10.9
Ambulatory Care Facility/Group Practice 2,524 6.4
Managed Care/HMO/PPO 776 2.0
Post Acute/Chronic Care 599 1.5
Public Health/Community Health/Mental Health Agency 1,227 3.1
Consulting firm 2,425 6.2
Association 361 0.9
Educational Institution/Research Institute 1,754 4.5
Military (non-hospital/clinic setting) 708 1.8
Health-Related Industry 2,199 5.6
Other 2,487 6.3
Total: 39,243 100.0


POSITION Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
Chief Executive Officer 4,574 12.0
Chief Operating Officer 2,069 5.4
Chief Financial Officer 531 1.4
Chief Information Officer 172 0.5
Chief Medical Officer 744 1.9
Chief Nursing Officer 836 2.2
Senior Vice President 1,027 2.7
Vice President 3,972 10.4
Department Head/Director 11,338 29.7
Manager 4,209 11.0
Staff 2,445 6.4
Consultant 2,042 5.3
Not currently employed/Between jobs 443 1.2
Retired 105 0.3
Other 3,692 9.7
Total: 38,199 100.0


PRIMARY SPECIALTY Members and Fellows (number) Members and Fellows (percent)
General Management 14,690 43.4
Financial Management 1,898 5.6
Nursing Services 2,307 6.8
Human Resources Management 599 1.8
Clinical Support 1,375 4.1
Ancillary Services 563 1.7
Medical Staff Relations/Recruitment 616 1.8
Information Systems/Medical Records 930 2.7
Quality Assurance/Utilization/Ethics 1,311 3.9
Legal/Risk Management 389 1.1
Marketing/Planning/Public Affairs 876 2.6
Medical Care Program 1,172 3.5
Ambulatory Care/Emergency Services/Readiness 1,459 4.3
Managed Care/HMO/PPO 702 2.1
Long-Term Care 285 0.8
Home Health Services 177 0.5
Mental Health/Substance Abuse 534 1.6
Fund Development/Community Relations/Volunteers 93 0.3
Educational Administration/Residency Program 491 1.4
Teaching/Academic Research 435 1.3
Governance 352 1.0
Policy/Advocacy/Government Affairs 649 1.9
Other 1,979 5.8
Total: 33,882 100.0


Physician Executives 3,135
Nurse Executives 5,744


* Because of changes in our online collection of member information after May 2017, current data in this category are not comparable to data from previous years.

** Members with an MD or DO suffix are counted as Physician Executives, and members with a nursing suffix or nursing degree are counted as Nurse Executives. This has replaced the licensure question reported in previous member profiles.