The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, Tenth Edition

Kenneth R. White, PhD, APRN, LFACHE Amer Kaissi, PhD

ISBN: 978-1-64055-477-1
Hardbound, 600pp, 2025
Order Code: 2526I
  • Member Price: $82.60
  • Non Member Price: $118.00
By Collection:
  • New Release

Book Description

Instructor Resources: PowerPoint slides; test bank with application-oriented multiple-choice questions; instructor notes for the book’s Practice Applications sections, with additional applications questions; and a transition guide to the new edition.

The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization is an essential text in healthcare management courses. Throughout its previous nine editions, the book has offered management fundamentals and theories, presenting them within the context of current healthcare delivery trends and scenarios for various settings. Students learn how to apply evidence-based practices that lead to high performance in healthcare organizations.

Written in a more approachable tone, this extensively revised tenth edition describes the new standard of practice for many types of healthcare organizations (HCOs). Each chapter shares updated Practice Applications designed to promote active learning and highlight appropriate responses to common issues and challenges. The book’s choice of language has been updated to reflect current practice. In the final chapter, the authors address flashpoints and critical areas in which responsive leadership makes a difference.

New content in the book includes the following:

  • New and emerging issues faced by HCOs, such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased workforce shortages, and a demand for services that exceeds capacity
  • Value-based insurance design and the important role of patient-centered involvement and satisfaction, as well as quality outcomes and their effect on reimbursement
  • The importance of psychological safety and accountability for creating and sustaining a transformational culture
  • A greater focus on social determinants of health and health equity
  • A definition of value-informed nursing practice and its role in streamlining care for efficiency and effectiveness
  • The latest research highlighting health systems that are forging deep collaborative relationships with community organizations, government agencies, and nontraditional partners
  • Strategies for increasing employee engagement
  • The implications of value-based care approaches for the financial management of HCOs

Successful HCOs must maintain a culture that empowers and supports each person and each team while improving work processes with measurement, benchmarks, process analysis, negotiated goals, and rewards. The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization offers foundational content and evidence-based practices for reaching excellence in quality, patient satisfaction, individual engagement, and sound financial performance.