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The Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management

Stephen F. Gambescia, PhD Sylvia V. Bastani Bruce Melgary

Hardbound, 476pp, 2019
  • Print: $85.00
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Book Description

Instructor Resources: PowerPoint slides 
Health-related nonprofit organizations reflect a unique and enduring aspect of the American character, rooted in the concepts of charity and fraternity. Much has changed in the nonprofit sector since the days of Benjamin Franklin and the founding of the Pennsylvania Hospital, but nothing has replaced the dedication, creativity, and hard work of leaders, managers, and volunteers striving to improve the human condition.

The Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management assists leaders and managers as they uphold the nonprofit tradition across a challenging and ever-evolving healthcare and public health landscape. It explores the nature and extent of nonprofit activity in the United States, establishing key principles while noting the impact of economic, sociocultural, and technological trends. Special attention is given to the following:
  • The importance of the mission
  • Programs and services that make a difference
  • Staff and volunteer management
  • Effective board governance
  • Fundraising and donor stewardship
  • Marketing, public relations, and advocacy
  • Legal, regulatory, and ethical issues
  • Leadership and crisis management
The chapters of The Healthcare Nonprofit, written by accomplished leaders in the field, present essential concepts and principles, as well as more detailed commentary to foster deeper understanding. Ultimately, the book seeks to provide readers with the knowledge and tools they need to begin, run, and sustain effective nonprofit organizations that have a meaningful impact on the people they serve.