The Economics of Health Reconsidered, Fourth Edition
Thomas Rice, PhD Lynn Unruh, PhD
- Member Price: $77.00
- Non Member Price: $110.00
Book Description
Instructor Resources: PowerPoint slides, important chapter concepts, discussion questions with answers, additional readings, and a transition guide to the new edition.
Now in its fourth edition, The Economics of Health Reconsidered presents an argument that still holds true: despite assertions to the contrary, neither economic theory nor evidence shows that reliance on market forces leads to superior outcomes in healthcare systems. Government plays a crucial role in making the healthcare sector not only more equitable but also more efficient. This book reconsiders the field of health economics as it is traditionally taught and practiced. It critically examines economic theory as applied to the health sector and questions the prevailing belief that a competitive healthcare marketplace results in the best outcomes.
Fully revised and updated, this new edition incorporates information on the impact of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act as well as:
- A new chapter on healthcare expenditures, which examines healthcare spending in the United States and in other high-income countries, including the magnitude, growth, and causes of high expenditures and the different policies that have been used or proposed to help control them
- A new chapter that describes the various types of economic evaluation currently used in healthcare, discusses the issues that arise with the use of economic evaluations, and provides information on how to conduct an economic evaluation
- New and updated data throughout chapters and exhibits
This book serves as an ideal stand-alone text for health economics and health policy courses and as a general reference for issues in health economics.