Healthcare Governance: A Guide for Effective Boards, Second Edition

Errol L. Biggs, PhD, LFACHE

ISBN: 9781567934199
208pp, 2011
Order Code: 2183i
ACHE Management
  • Member Price: $57.40
  • Non Member Price: $82.00

Book Description

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Hospital and health system board members face increasing challenges, with healthcare reform and other laws demanding improved accountability and efficiency. This handbook reveals the secrets of effective board structure and function, including responsibilities of board members, term limits, recruiting new members, and working with the CEO. Other aspects of a board’s work, including monitoring quality, providing financial oversight, and completing a self-assessment process, are also covered. Sample forms and documents, a glossary of common healthcare terms, and a conflict of interest policy are included. Board members, regardless of their expertise, will find this handbook easy to navigate.