Book Description

Reaching Excellence in Healthcare Management is the 2012 American College of Healthcare Executive's James A. Hamilton Book of the Year Award winner.

Learn what Baldrige winners and other outstanding healthcare organizations do and how they do it. Reaching Excellence in Healthcare Management is a handy guide for healthcare managers, nurse leaders, physician executives, and department heads.

Quality is high at excellent healthcare organizations. Employees love where they work. Patients consistently check the top box on satisfaction surveys. Profits are increasing even as costs are going down. Sound impossible? It’s not.

The short, focused chapters of Reaching Excellence provide a checklist for high performance. The book describes what each part of the organization must do, how to measure success, and how to continually improve performance.

Learn how high-performing organizations answer these questions and many more:

  • How does a healthcare organization (HCO) start its cultural transformation?
  • How does an HCO ensure accurate diagnosis?
  • How does an HCO recruit physicians?
  • What builds medical staff loyalty?
  • How does an HCO start the move toward excellent nursing?
  • Where do we get the money for knowledge management?
  • What’s the new model in human resources management?
  • What’s the role of incentive compensation?
  • How do excellent HCOs surpass Ritz-Carlton in service?
  • How can an HCO control overhead costs?
  • How are capital investment requests prepared and reviewed?
  • Can multihospital systems contribute to marketing and strategy?

    This book is based on the award-winning text The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, written by the same authors.