
Managing Healthcare Ethically: An Executive's Guide, Second Edition
William A. Nelson, PhD, HFACHE Paul Bernard Hofmann, DrPH, LFACHE
By Topic:
Book Description
Ethical dilemmas are common in healthcare management. Although there is no handbook providing absolute solutions to ethics challenges, healthcare leaders can seek guidance and insight from others who have tackled similar issues.
This book provides advice and inspiration from healthcare executives, ethicists, scholars, educators, and consultants. This collection of ethics columns from Healthcare Executive magazine will guide healthcare managers and executives in making personal and organizational decisions.
This edition includes more than forty new columns and focuses on four ethics areas: ethical leadership issues, organization and management ethics issues, clinical ethics issues, and ethics committees and programs.
Ideas discussed include:
This guidebook also contains ethics tools and resources from the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), including the revised Code of Ethics, ethics policy statements, and a bibliography of additional resources.