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Creating Sustainable Physician-Hospital Strategies

Jay Warden

ISBN: 9781567933055
Softbound, 80pp, 2008
Order Code: 2120i
Executive Essentials Book

Book Description

Collaboration between hospitals and physicians is key to their financial and competitive success


Collaborate with physicians for mutual growth and your organization will be positioned to achieve continued revenue and market share gains.

Creating Sustainable Physician–Hospital Strategies provides a concise, straightforward approach for developing win-win relationships with physicians. Applicable to all healthcare organizations—from small community hospitals to large health systems—the best-practice approach in this book has four steps, each of which answers a key question:

  • What do we need to know about existing physician-related trends?
  • What is our current market position and state of relations with physicians?
  • Which engagement options should we consider?
  • How do we select and implement the options and maintain a successful strategy to sustain physician–hospital alignment into the future?

    After a brief look at the trends affecting physician–hospital relationships, the book describes how to determine the best physician-engagement strategy for your organization. It also provides advice for integrating physician strategy into the organization’s overall capital, strategic, and financial plans.