Mastering the Negotiation Process: A Practical Guide for the Healthcare Executive

Peter B. Laubach, HFACHE

ISBN: 9781567931709
Softbound, 176pp, 2002
Order Code: 1140i
ACHE Management
  • Member Price: $11.90
  • Non Member Price: $17.00

Book Description

In an environment that includes tight budgets, physician relations, and reimbursement, healthcare executives are faced with negotiation situations every day. This straightforward guide will help you build the skills and confidence you need to negotiate successful agreements.

The author provides tips for each step of the negotiation process, from preparing an agenda through development of a workable and beneficial agreement. You will learn the fundamentals of negotiation as well as time-tested techniques for improving your bargaining position. The book uses real-world examples specific to healthcare to clearly illustrate how you can apply negotiation techniques on the job. You will also learn practical solutions for handling tough negotiations, including dealing with conflict and coping with negotiators who use threats and intimidation.