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Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care
ISBN: 9780974386058
Order Code: 0035I
Distributed (Non-HAP)
- Non Member Price: $35.00
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Book Description
Winner of the 2009 ACHE James A. Hamilton Book of the Year Award!
“This book is a tour de force, and no one but John Nance could have written it. Only he could have made sophisticated, scientifically disciplined instruction about the nature and roots of safety into a page-turner. Medical care has a ton yet to learn from the decades of progress that have brought aviation to unprecedented levels of safety, and, in instructing us all about those lessons, John Nance is not just a bridge-builder he is the bridge.”
—Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Management of Healthcare Organizations: An Introduction, Third Edition
Peter C. Olden, PhD, LFACHE
Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare: Principles, Cases, and Perspectives, Second Edition
Anthony R. Kovner, PhD
Thomas D'Aunno
Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning and Execution, Second Edition
Stephen L. Walston, PhD
Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives, Second Edition
Carson F. Dye, FACHE
Andrew N. Garman, PsyD
Getting It Done: Experienced Healthcare Leaders Reveal Field-Tested Strategies for Clinical and Financial Success
Kenneth H. Cohn, MD
Steven A. Fellows, LFACHE
Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice
James Wilson Holsinger, Jr., MD
Erik L. Carlton, DrPH, FACHE
The Future of Healthcare: Global Trends Worth Watching
Andrew N. Garman, PsyD
Tricia Johnson
Thomas C. Royer, MD
Essentials of Healthcare Management: Cases, Concepts, and Skills, Second Edition
Leigh Cellucci, PhD, MBA
Michael R. Meacham, JD, MPH
Tracy J. Farnsworth, EdD, MBA, MHSA
Healthcare Leadership Excellence: Creating a Career of Impact
James A. Rice, PhD, LFACHE
Frankie Perry, RN, LFACHE
Leadership's Deeper Dimensions: Building Blocks to Superior Performance
Thomas A. Atchison, EdD
Leading Transformational Change: The Physician-Executive Partnership
Thomas A. Atchison, EdD
Joseph S. Bujak, MD