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If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently
Fred Lee
- Print: $33.00
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Book Description
Using examples from his work with Disney and as a senior-level hospital executive, author Fred Lee challenges the assumptions that have defined customer service in healthcare. In this unique book, he focuses on the similarities between Disney and hospitals—both provide an “experience,” not just a service. It shows how hospitals can emulate the strategies that earn Disney the trust and loyalty of their guests and employees.
The book explains why standard service excellence initiatives in healthcare have not led to high patient satisfaction and loyalty, and it provides 9 ½ principles that will help hospitals gain the competitive advantage that comes from being seen as “the best” by their own employees, consumers, and community.
Essentials of Healthcare Management: Cases, Concepts, and Skills, Second Edition
Leigh Cellucci, PhD, MBA
Michael R. Meacham, JD, MPH
Tracy J. Farnsworth, EdD, MBA, MHSA
Management of Healthcare Organizations: An Introduction, Third Edition
Peter C. Olden, PhD, LFACHE
The Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management
Stephen F. Gambescia, PhD
Sylvia V. Bastani
Bruce Melgary
The Healthcare Leader’s Guide to Actions, Awareness, and Perception, Third Edition
Carson F. Dye, FACHE
Brett D. Lee, PhD, FACHE
Leadership for Great Customer Service: Satisfied Employees, Satisfied Patients, Second Edition
Thom A. Mayer, MD, FACHE
Robert J. Cates, MD
Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives, Second Edition
Carson F. Dye, FACHE
Andrew N. Garman, PsyD
Getting It Done: Experienced Healthcare Leaders Reveal Field-Tested Strategies for Clinical and Financial Success
Kenneth H. Cohn, MD
Steven A. Fellows, LFACHE
Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning and Execution, Second Edition
Stephen L. Walston, PhD
The Global Healthcare Manager: Competencies, Concepts, and Skills
Michael Counte, PhD
Bernardo Ramirez, MD
Daniel J. West, Jr., PhD, LFACHE
William E. Aaronson, PhD
Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care
Michael E. Frisina, PhD
Leadership for Public Health: Theory and Practice
James W. Holsinger, Jr., MD
Erik L. Carlton, DrPH, FACHE
Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare: Principles, Cases, and Perspectives, Second Edition
Anthony R. Kovner, PhD
Thomas D'Aunno