FACHE Overview Webinar

September 12, 2024 1 –2 p.m. Central time

Whether you’ve determined now is the time for you to begin the process toward FACHE or you’re still deciding, the next stop on your journey is our FACHE Overview Webinar.

This webinar is free for you to attend but it requires registration. You can find other available session dates here. All webinars are streamed live to give participants a chance to ask questions during the presentation.

This valuable resource provides a complete overview of the process:

  • Learn about the eligibility requirements and how to know which ones you’ve met.
  • Understand the entire application process and what materials you need.
  • Decide if now is the right time for you to pursue the FACHE credential.
  • Set your expectations for the Board of Governors Exam, from knowing what’s covered to preparing to do your best.
At a Glance Price
Member Rate: $0.00
NonMember Rate: $0.00
September 12, 2024