2021Congress on Healthcare Leadership Multimedia Presentations
Thank You for Being a Leader Who Cares
2021 Opening Session Immediate Past Chairman's Remarks
ACHE Immediate Past Chairman Michael J. Fosina, FACHE, and president of NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, and senior vice president at NewYork-Presbyterian in New York, provides opening remarks at the 2021 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
2021 Chair Remarks—Carrie Owen Plietz, FACHE
Introductory remarks from ACHE Chair Carrie Owen Plietz, FACHE, and regional president, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland.
Gold Medal Award Winner 2021—Charles D. Stokes, FACHE
Charles D. Stokes, FACHE, founding partner of Relia Healthcare Advisors in Houston and ACHE’s 2017–2018 Chairman, was honored as the recipient of the Gold Medal Award.
ACHE's Honorary Fellow - Sister Carol Keehan, DC, HFACHE
Sister Carol Keehan, DC, HFACHE, was selected as an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and honored during the 87th Convocation Ceremony.
Young Healthcare Executive of the Year - Mark Schulte, FACHE
Mark Schulte, FACHE, president, Monument Health Sturgis (S.D.) Hospital, was named the receipient of the Robert S. Hudgens Memorial Award for Young Healthcare Executive of the Year.