Drive Physician Engagement Today for Aligned Leaders Tomorrow

While physician engagement and leadership are a critical components of highly successful healthcare organizations, few seem to have found the successful formula. Moreover, as healthcare organizations expand their number of physician leaders, it is essential they are prepared to lead. This seminar provides insight into the various intricacies of identifying and developing physician leaders and ensuring optimum physician engagement. Participants will acquire insight into leadership principles for physician leaders, team leadership, dealing with conflict and growing overall physician engagement. The program will include a series of assessments and case studies with real-world examples.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Investigate the unique challenges physicians face as they move into leadership and how to identify and develop potential leaders early in their clinical careers.
  • Discuss practical suggestions on building physician engagement and see how an actual leadership competency model was used to help physicians excel at leadership.
  • Construct tactics to help physician leaders gain skills in areas of interpersonal skills, effective communication, diversity awareness, structured decision-making, engagement, change management, motivation and feedback, and personal accountability.
  • Outline various ways to enhance physician engagement through clinical integration and quality and safety programs.

Who Should Attend:

  • CEOs and COOs.
  • Physician executives (CMOs, chief medical informatics officers, chief quality officers, medical directors, division and department chiefs).
  • Senior-level executives.
  • Medical staff service professionals.

Presented By: 

Carson F. Dye, FACHE, President/CEO, Exceptional Leadership LLC

Continuing Education Credit

In addition to the ACHE In-Person Education or Virtual Interactive Education credits assigned to this seminar, ACHE is accredited by other organizations to provide continuing education credit. View complete information about these organizations.


All Customized Learning seminars can be offered as Virtual Interactive programs or live In-Person programs.

For more information about this seminar and Customized Learning programs, contact Martijn van Oort, director, business development, at (312) 288-1872 or