Managing Conflict, Accountability Conversations and Disputes

Regain control of the misunderstandings and misbehaviors that can destroy the cohesiveness of a leadership team. Whether the issue is medical errors, employee productivity or patient satisfaction, adopt the approaches that correct broken promises, violated expectations and bad behavior.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Master face-to-face accountability conversations and motivate productive behavior without the use of positional power or coercion
  • Distinguish how to hold anyone accountable—no matter their role, rank or temperament
  • Develop skills to maintain good relations while still managing tough situations and remaining focused on the real issues
  • Identify sources of organizational and personal conflict; artfully address and then manage the conflicts and disputes that impede goal achievement and quality patient outcomes
  • Design a well-planned and structured follow-up that includes good reporting practices to limit conflict and accusations

Who Should Attend:

Healthcare leaders whose organizations would benefit by being able to more successfully address and properly manage interpersonal conflict.

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Continuing Education Credit

In addition to the ACHE In-Person Education or Virtual Interactive Education credits assigned to this seminar, ACHE is accredited by other organizations to provide continuing education credit. View complete information about these organizations.


All Customized Learning seminars can be offered as Virtual Interactive programs or live In-Person programs.

For more information about this seminar and Customized Learning programs, contact Martijn van Oort, director, business development, at (312) 288-1872 or