Behavioral Health Challenges, Strategies and Solutions: The Business Case for Meeting Community Needs

With national suicide and addiction rates increasing and drug overdose deaths appearing in familiar headlines in many communities, managing access to and cost for behavioral healthcare is becoming a top concern. This seminar provides practical strategies for creating access to comprehensive, high-quality behavioral healthcare services. Discover solutions that can improve outcomes in your community; reduce ED utilization, avoidable inpatient readmissions and non-value-added costs; and increase revenue. Gain insights into how to better integrate these services into the overall healthcare delivery and financing system and collaborate more effectively with community partners outside healthcare.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Investigate how to manage your community’s and population’s unique behavioral healthcare needs.
  • Develop solutions to address access, drive high-quality outcomes and integrate behavioral healthcare with other services.
  • Evaluate and implement strategies to reduce ED and inpatient cost and generate new revenue streams.
  • Analyze sustainable business models that reflect organizational mission and have a positive financial return.
  • Discuss strategies for building nontraditional community partnerships that are cost-effective and patient-outcome driven.

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, CMOs, CNOs, CFOs, COOs, service line leaders, quality improvement leaders and other senior-level health system, hospital and group practice executives with responsibility for creating business development plans and partnerships.

Presented by:

  • Leslie S. Zun, MD, Medical Director, Lake County Health Department & Professor of Emergency Medicine, Chicago Medical School 
  • Stephen M. Merz, FACHE, Chief Operating Officer, Sheppard Pratt Solutions

Continuing Education Credit

In addition to the ACHE In-Person Education or Virtual Interactive Education credits assigned to this seminar, ACHE is accredited by other organizations to provide continuing education credit. View complete information about these organizations.


All Customized Learning seminars can be offered as Virtual Interactive programs or live In-Person programs.

For more information about this seminar and Customized Learning programs, contact Martijn van Oort, director, business development, at (312) 288-1872 or