Optimizing Ambulatory Management for the 21st Century

The healthcare industry is accelerating the transition from inpatient to ambulatory care as payment models move increasingly from volume to value. Ambulatory venues have lower cost structures, enable more flexible care models, and provide optimized service and value outcomes. This seminar will explore how ambulatory models provide unlimited ways to optimize clinical outcomes at a fraction of the traditional cost. Expert faculty will highlight the essential operational competencies for ambulatory management using a variety of ambulatory facilities to illustrate key points. Types of organizations discussed will include accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes, ambulatory surgery centers, primary care centers, retail clinics and e-health platforms. You will review a cross section of today’s ambulatory models and examine the evolving leadership skills that will be needed to optimize their performance.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Investigate the mandate to move traditional clinical services into the ambulatory setting and the opportunity that this provides to create new, innovative clinical and business models.
  • Discuss the operational competencies needed to manage ambulatory care models successfully.
  • Explore some of the many ambulatory models available for development and customization by your organization.
  • Discover how leading healthcare organizations work to continuously innovate and reimagine ambulatory delivery systems.

Who Should Attend:

Healthcare leaders at all levels who are interested in leading, managing or innovating with ambulatory healthcare delivery systems.

Presented by:

Continuing Education Credit

In addition to the ACHE In-Person Education or Virtual Interactive Education credits assigned to this seminar, ACHE is accredited by other organizations to provide continuing education credit. View complete information about these organizations.

All Customized Learning seminars can be offered as Virtual Interactive programs or live In-Person programs.

For more information about this seminar and Customized Learning programs, contact Martijn van Oort, director, business development, at (312) 288-1872 or organizations@ache.org.