Mentor, Coach, Lead to Peak Professional Performance
The practices of mentoring, coaching and leading are among the most powerful contributors to peak performance in our careers, and they have bidirectional importance. It is crucial we are well-mentored, we seek formative coaching and we are effectively led as we advance professionally. We are remiss if we do not turn around and contribute the same to those around us. This session addresses the compelling need to build bench strength by developing leaders within our organizations and profession, facilitating succession planning, and driving performance, engagement and outcomes. We will review current literature on the topics of mentorship, coaching and leadership. Then, we will guide participants through didactic and interactive learnings to nurture their effective engagement as mentors, coaches and leaders, while becoming well-mentored, coached and led by others.
Seminar Objectives:
- Apply best practices in mentoring and coaching to develop high potential leaders on their teams.
- Create psychological safety and trust in mentoring and coaching relationships.
- Leverage feedback as a tool to increase awareness, performance and engagement.
Who Should Attend:
Early-, mid- and senior careerists; HR professionals; physician and clinician leaders; C-suite executives.
Presented by:
- Laurie K. Baedke, FACHE, FACMPE, Founder/CEO, Growth Edge Leadership
Continuing Education Credit
In addition to the ACHE In-Person Education or Virtual Interactive Education credits assigned to this seminar, ACHE is accredited by other organizations to provide continuing education credit. View complete information about these organizations.
All Customized Learning seminars can be offered as Virtual Interactive programs or live In-Person programs.
For more information about this seminar and Customized Learning programs, contact Martijn van Oort, director, business development, at (312) 288-1872 or