Maintain or Recertify My FACHE


ACHE Fellows must recertify their FACHE certification every three years. The recertification application with payment is due between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of the year in which certification expires. All requirements must be complete when the application is submitted.

Maintain or Recertify My FACHE

Recertification Requirements

To recertify, you must meet the three criteria below.

1. Continuing Education or Retake BOG Exam

Earn 36 Continuing Education Credits

Earn a minimum of 36 continuing education credits related to healthcare management and administration since your last recertification or initial advancement, including:

  • A minimum of 12 ACHE In-Person Education credits.
  • 12 ACHE Virtual Interactive Education credits.
  • Up to 12 may be Qualifying Education credits.
Below are examples of ways you could fulfill the 36-credit requirement:

FACHE CEUs Samples

Learn More About Credit Requirements

Read Credit Requirement FAQs

OR Retake the Board of Governors Exam

In lieu of earning 36 credits, re-take and pass the Exam ($350 fee for each attempt). If you wish to recertify by Exam, please contact the Customer Service Center at (312) 424-9400 or

Learn more about the BOG Exam →

2. Complete Volunteer Activities

Complete four volunteer activities including two community/civic volunteer activities AND two healthcare-related volunteer activities since your last recertification or initial advancement.

Learn more about the volunteer activities requirement →

3. Submit Your Recertification Application

Congratulations! You are eligible to submit your recertification application and a $200 recertification fee (nonrefundable). The fee must be paid when the recertification application is submitted.


The FACHE certification may be reactivated at any time during an inactive period after the recertification requirements are met.

Life Status and Retired Status

Current Fellows in good standing who are retired from healthcare management may transfer to Life Status or Retired Status.
Learn more about LFACHE and FACHE(R) designations →

Five-Year Recertification Waiver

If you are over the age of 60 and will retire within the next five years, you may be eligible for a one-time only five-year recertification waiver. For more information contact Customer Service at (312) 424-9400 or