Template for Requesting Fellow References


To: Name
To: Title
To: Company
To: Mailing address

Hello <name>,

I am actively working toward becoming a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE®). I am deeply committed to advancing healthcare management excellence, which is part of ACHE’s mission. Earning the credential will help me demonstrate that commitment.

One of the Fellow eligibility requirements is to obtain two professional references: one reference based on a structured interview with a current Fellow of ACHE, and another written reference from either another current Fellow or a senior leader within my organization. I would be honored if you would
serve as my reference from a current Fellow based on a structured interview.
serve as my second reference from another current Fellow or senior leader within my organization.>

If you are able and willing to serve as one of my references, please visit this link to learn more and submit the reference: https://www.ache.org/fache/steps-to-earn-fache/submit-a-reference

I am excited about this step forward in my career and am grateful for your time and support to help make it happen. In order to meet my FACHE application goals, I would like my references to be submitted by <SPECIFIC DATE, IDEALLY, AT LEAST TWO WEEKS AFTER REQUEST>. Please let me know if you are unable to meet this timeframe.

With sincere appreciation,
<Your name and contact info>