References Requirement


The references requirement provides candidates the opportunity to network among their Fellow peers. It also provides confirmation that a candidate holds the professional attributes required of Fellow status. References are valid for up to three years from the date the reference was received.

Candidates must secure two references:

  1. Structured Interview Reference - The first reference is in the form of a structured interview between you and a current Fellow*, either face-to-face or by telephone. The interview focuses on your professional capabilities related to competence, sound judgment, integrity and ethics. A list of suggested interview questions can be found on the structured interview form.
  2. Fellow or Senior-Level Executive Reference - The second reference is in written form and should come from either another current Fellow* or a senior leader within your organization.
  3. *A current Fellow is one who is designated as an FACHE. Life Fellows (LFACHE) and Retired Fellows (FACHE(R)) are not eligible to serve as references for candidates.

Finding Reference Providers

If you don’t know a Fellow to serve as your reference, you may find Fellows by:

  • Participating in your local chapter’s education or networking events.
    NOTE: There is great value in doing this beyond the need to provide a reference from a Fellow.
  • Contacting your Regent to request assistance in identifying a Fellow to serve as a reference. Click here to find the Regent for your area.
  • Using the Member Directory to locate Fellows in your area or across the world.

Sample Message for Requesting Fellow References

It is important to ensure your written or verbal request for a reference is personal. But this Template for Requesting Fellow References may give you some ideas about how to approach the Fellows or leaders from whom you’d like to request a reference.

Reference providers are asked to submit their references for Fellow candidates through this web portal. Fellow candidates should share the link to this portal with reference providers and ensure each one understands this responsibility.