Tools and Resources

Resources for Physician Executives

ACHE is committed to supporting our clinicians and physicians transitioning to healthcare executive roles. We invite you to explore ACHE resources available to support the unique career development needs of members with clinician and physician backgrounds.
Recommended Resources
Content here includes educational opportunities, resources and articles for physician thought leaders.
Review this online resource to gain knowledge of innovative approaches to dyad partnerships for physician integration
Health Administration Press (HAP) Books
Unlike other physician leadership books, this is an intensified examination of the development of clinically integrated organizations and the significantly expanded physician leadership role within them.
Dr. Joseph Bujak provides an insider's perspective on the beliefs and behaviors of physicians. His insight will prompt you to question your assumptions and break through the barriers that may be keeping you from forming productive relationships with the physicians in your organization.
Career Resources
ACHE created the Leadership Mentoring Network to expand opportunities for learning and development exclusively for ACHE members. ACHE strives to match mentees with mentors who are equipped to address the unique career development needs of physician executives.
Executive coaches offer personalized support to individuals pursuing professional growth. ACHE has compiled a list of coaches from our Executive Coach Directory that have been identified as having expertise and experience working with physician leaders in the areas of executive coaching and leadership development.
Recommended Assessments
With the Emotional Intelligence Assessment, you can measure your emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) and use the results to build stronger relationships, enhance self-awareness and achieve greater work/life balance.
The Change Management Leadership assessment collects feedback on seven key change management competencies ranging from proactive thinking to breaking from the past and consolidating new learning.
Conflict Management Assessment
The Conflict Management Assessment will enable you to identify which of five principal conflict-management modes you prefer.
This assessment uses the Power Base Inventory© to determine your preferences for using each of the six distinct bases of power. You will learn which bases rest on your position within the organization and which ones depend on your personal style.