Mentor Network

ACHE is committed to expanding leadership and career development through strategically matched mentor relationships.

A man and woman in business suits sit at a table reviewing a document

Partner With a Mentor

Priceless. That’s the value of mentoring relationships with one of our dedicated healthcare leader volunteers. At ACHE, mentoring is a top priority. No matter your career stage, mentoring and being mentored are essential for professional growth.

Our national Leadership Mentoring Network (LMN) leverages algorithms to match you with the ideal mentor based on your career level, business function, leadership competencies and goals. Our program offers structured six-month mentoring relationships, with matches occurring twice a year. Many partnerships choose to extend beyond the initial period, fostering long-term growth and impactful leadership.

To get the most of your experience in the Leadership Mentoring Network and future mentoring relationships explore our Mentor-Mentee Guide

"The exchange of ideas and experiences during mentoring sessions cultivates a dynamic learning environment that benefits both mentor and mentee, fostering continuous personal and professional growth. Building a supportive relationship with my mentee creates a sense of connection and fulfillment, knowing that I'm contributing to their confidence and success."

- Kenneth C. Wong, FACHE, Healthcare Consultant, Adjunct University Instructor

LMN is exclusively available to employed ACHE members. Student members are ineligible to participate in LMN, but are encouraged to participate in our Career Advising Network and explore our Career Resources for Students. Members seeking employment can access our exclusive job bank and tools through Seeking New Opportunities.