Our HAP Summer Sale is happening now. Order any book now through Sept. 7 and receive a 20% discount when you use the promo code SUMMER21 at checkout. This discount excludes any multibook sets that are already discounted and the ACHE Board of Governors Examination Flashcards.
Check out this month’s selections for our “What’s On Your Bookshelf?” series from Health Administration Press, the publishing division of the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. As one of the largest publishers in the field of healthcare management, there are titles for healthcare professionals at every stage of their career.

Enhanced Physician Engagement: What It Is, Why You Need It, and Where to Begin, Volume 1
Many healthcare leaders recognize that in an ever-evolving landscape, physician engagement is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Highly engaged physicians help their organizations navigate changing delivery and payment models, improve clinical outcomes, and meet patient demands for better access to safe, quality care. Yet, understanding what physician engagement truly is—and how you can successfully implement it—can be confounding.
Enhanced Physician Engagement, Volume 1: What Is It, Why You Need It, and Where to Begin looks at physician engagement as a strategic and tactical priority. Drawing on more than 40 years of healthcare leadership and management experience, editor Carson F. Dye, FACHE, starts with a focused definition of engagement and explains why physicians should play an active role in governance, leadership and management.

The Emerging Healthcare Leader: A Field Guide, Second Edition
In the ever-changing healthcare environment, the profession of healthcare management needs strong leaders who will rise to the challenges of today and carry organizations into the future. The Emerging Healthcare Leader: A Field Guide is an essential resource for those in the early stages of becoming a healthcare leader. Packed with tactics, tips and illuminating straightforward examples, this book is an indispensable guide to building your career in healthcare leadership.
Honestly and authentically, authors Laurie K. Baedke, FACHE, and Natalie D. Lamberton, FACHE, offer practical suggestions and share anecdotes, personal stories and important lessons learned from their own professional experiences. This second edition includes new chapters on emotional intelligence and successful onboarding, as well as updated and expanded content on technology, social media, online presence, networking and professional decorum.

The Toyota Production System model, or Lean, originated in manufacturing but has since emerged as a powerful tool for providing safe, compassionate and error-free healthcare. This book examines trailblazing work in several organizations that committed to applying Lean principles and processes in a new environment, and it shares the insights of leaders who credit Lean with dramatically improving their operations and outcomes.
This new edition explores how Lean can transform healthcare at any level. Four new chapters describe the implementation of Lean in the healthcare system of Saskatchewan, Canada—a province that employs more than 40,000 healthcare workers to serve a population of 1.13 million people scattered over 251,900 square miles. The authors share numerous lessons learned from launching such a large-scale improvement effort, addressing such issues as overcoming resistance to change and engaging patients and care providers in the implementation. No organization is too big to tackle a Lean transformation: the bigger the system being improved, the larger the potential gains.