
Health Related Volunteer Opportunities

By Topic: Workforce Career Resources Networking Mentoring Leadership By Collection: Blog

ACHE is proud to recognize National Volunteer Week. We are grateful for the service and support of ACHE’s volunteers, including our chapter leaderselected leaders and Career Resource Center mentors and coaches. Your involvement helps us serve our members, our patients and our communities. Thank you!

Volunteering is also good for the volunteer, according to Mayo Clinic. Emerging research shows a range of health benefits, ranging from reduced rates of depression to a longer life span.

As even further incentive, participation in volunteer activities bring you one step closer to earning your FACHE® credential.

Get to know the members below on their ACHE volunteer experience and get inspired to join them. Ready to volunteer with ACHE? Contact your local chapter to learn how you can serve on a committee or help out at an event. Plus, find out how to sign up to be a mentor through the Leadership Mentoring Network.

Kenneth C. Wong, FACHE
President, ACHE of South Florida

When did you start volunteering with your chapter?

In 2013, I was invited to serve on an education panel. In 2018, I became more involved as a board member overseeing educational programming for two years before becoming president-elect and president.

What are some of your fulfilling experiences as a chapter leader?


  • Planning and organizing educational programs for our members and community for two consecutive years. It always made me happy to read the comments on the program surveys and learn how that program impacted that person and how they envisioned implementing what they learned. I also pulled together our chapter’s first “mini-cluster,” where we offered two educational programs and a networking event.
  • Leading our chapter’s rebranding campaign. Redesigning and launching our new website and improving our LinkedIn profile has helped engage members and attract new ones. Since the start of this year, out LinkedIn followers have doubled, and engagement has increased.
  • Redesigning our sponsorship packages to represent an enhanced digital presence, which has been very well received.
  • Celebrating members’ accomplishments is something I find very exciting and gratifying.

Why do you volunteer with ACHE of South Florida?

I volunteer because of the personal satisfaction I get from accomplishing what I mentioned above. Serving and recognizing our members and expanding our membership base are my personal missions as chapter president. Additionally, volunteering with the chapter allows me to feed my creative and entrepreneurial spirit.

Why should ACHE members volunteer with their local chapter?

Volunteering is a great opportunity to give back, expand your network and learn. ACHE is the leading professional organization that pulls us all together, from administrators to clinicians to suppliers.

What are some other volunteer activities you’ve participated in?

I’ve enjoyed volunteering at my child’s school, helping a nonprofit dedicated to providing resources for the elderly and disabled and serving as a mentor. I have also spent time participating in community health education programs. I would like to become involved with opportunities that support diversity and inclusion initiatives and improving access to care for underserved populations.      

Shawanna Jackson
President-elect, Maryland Association of Health Care Executives

When did you start volunteering with your chapter?

I started volunteering in 2018, and I’ve served as a member of the programming, nominating and advancement committees. I currently serve as programming chair in addition to my role as president-elect.

What are some of your favorite experiences as a chapter leader?

I absolutely love working with my team and planning educational events. I am grateful our board is fully supportive of the topics we choose. We provide relevant and timely education to our membership. I also serve as a mentor to graduate students and early careerists, and I have been successful in assisting them with navigating career hurdles and encouraging them to earn their FACHE. Simply being a part of their journeys is very rewarding.

Why should ACHE members volunteer with their local chapter?

There is so much value in being connected to your local chapter. In addition to the valuable education content, there is a huge networking component that is unmatched. I enjoy the sense of community and I have found there is always someone willing to offer advice, to review resumes and help with the next step in a member’s career journey. 

What are some other volunteer activities you participate in?

I serve as an ambassador and merit reviewer for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and I serve as a patient advocate. Additionally, I volunteer at the food pantry at my local church.

Andrew M. Hillig, FACHE
Career Resource Center Mentor and Career Coach

When did you start volunteering with the Career Resource Center?

After I completed my term as the ACHE Regent for Wisconsin in 2019, I was encouraged to stay involved through the CRC. I have participated in pilot programs, served as a mentor and was a panelist on a webinar series regarding executive coaching.

What are some of your favorite experiences volunteering with the CRC?

Any time I can have a positive impact on an individual’s career, it is a fulfilling experience. I see volunteering with the CRC as one way I can help develop leaders and give them the tools and abilities to advance their career and transform healthcare.

Why do you volunteer with ACHE?

I credit ACHE with supporting my career advancement—through its programming, its leadership roles (nationally or with the local chapter) and CRC resources. It’s important to me to pay that forward to members and future executives. When it became clear my greatest joy and impact is helping others succeed and advance their career, I left my career as a healthcare executive to become a career strategist and leadership coach so I can help leaders develop the career resilience to perform at their best and transform the workplace.

What are some other volunteer activities you participate in? 

When I’m not working or volunteering with ACHE, you’ll find me carting my kids around to hockey and baseball practices and games. However, I will always make time for a student or young professional who is taking proactive steps to launch or advance their career. These future executives are the ones we need to count on to take this wonderful, yet highly complex, industry to new places.