Tools and Resources

Collaborative Associations


Healthcare Associations Join Forces to Support the Field

Although everyone in our field endeavors to continue caring for patients, each other and the families in our communities, healthcare leaders in particular clearly recognize the unprecedented challenges we face in trying to carry out our responsibilities as effectively as possible.

To help support our country, we can think of no better time to further mobilize the full strength of our collective knowledge. To help healthcare professionals better manage the evolving nature of COVID-19, the associations listed here are collaborating closely to provide the healthcare field with our best resources available. We encourage the healthcare community to visit the websites listed and to use the available information free of charge. Our associations will update these resources as we learn more. By working together, we will all be better equipped to advance the nation’s health. 

Our associations thank members of the healthcare community for the services they and their organizations are providing. We recognize and appreciate how difficult this situation is and are committed to supporting them during the weeks and months to come.

COVID-19 Resources