Safety Pledge and Organizational Self-Assessment
Leading for safety is a daunting challenge that requires strength and courage. Committed leaders lead with intent. They set the purpose and direction within their organizations—they lead for zero harm. Committed leaders do not allow for delays or excuses. Instead, they are ready to strategically face areas of improvement, and are eager to assess and sustain a culture of safety. In the healthcare industry, with lives on the line, every step to reduce medical error must be taken with purpose and direction.
By pledging to lead for safety, you join a community of healthcare leaders who are committed to lead with intent, and prevention of unnecessary harm. Take the pledge today.
Assess your Organization’s Culture of Safety
The safety leadership journey requires that you continually assess your organization. It’s important to know what strategies are and aren’t currently working for your organization. And, to periodically measure the pace and quality of your progress.