Leader-to-Leader Rewards Program

When you help ACHE to grow our membership you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.

L2L Image 2022

Share the Value of ACHE and Its Rewards

Attracting new members to ACHE creates inherent benefits for our members and increases the overall impact and competitive edge of our organization. Our new members, highly talented and motivated healthcare professionals, help us inspire forward thinking strategies and innovative programs. They increase the depth and breadth of our community, thus helping us to advance our profession.

There are potential new members all around you, with benefits for everyone:

  • Colleagues: Gain skills and abilities to address opportunities and challenges.
  • Organizations: Share a common framework to develop goals and strategies.
  • Communities: Become better equipped to serve your populations.
  • You: Strengthen your leadership skills.

If you’re an ACHE Member, Fellow, Life Fellow, Retired Member or Faculty Associate, we’d like to encourage you participate in the Leader-to-Leader Rewards Program. Your success will generate broad reaching benefits for everyone and …ACHE will reward you for your effort!

Click on the button below and a pre-written email from you will open for you to send in your name to any colleague you think may be interested in joining ACHE. Feel free to personalize it as well.

Share ACHE With a Colleague


Reward Points and Requirements

  • Recruit a Member – 1 Point
    You must be listed as the referral name on the new member application and will receive your points when memberships are activated
  • Advance a Leader – 1 Point
    You must be listed as the referral name on the FACHE application and will receive your reward point when all Fellow requirements have been met

Redeeming Rewards

  • You can redeem rewards valued at 1 point or accrue points to save for larger rewards. However, your bank of points may not exceed 50 points at any time.
  • Points can be redeemed as soon as they are earned and up to their expiration date which will occur on December 31st in the year after they were earned.

Leader-to-Leader Rewards Program FAQs

Get answers to the questions asked most often; including enrollment, recruitment, rewards… and more.
Leader-to-Leader Rewards Program FAQs