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ACHE's Congress Employer Connect provides job applicants opportunities to connect with employers on-site. Each employer will post the job opening(s) it is looking to fill. The job openings will be listed in the Employer Connect online job bank, which is available at Congress. Interested applicants will submit resumes directly to employers using employer drop boxes available on-site.


You have an opportunity to post job opening(s) that you are looking to fill. Congress registrants can browse the job openings and apply for an interview with you at Congress. You can view resumes and applicant availability from this pool of candidates. At Congress, ACHE will provide meeting space so you can arrange for on-site interviews.

Please note: The Congress Employer Connect is separate from the online ACHE Job Center, which is offered year-round at Employers should only post positions on the Congress Employer Connect if they will be present and conducting interviews at Congress.


Congress registrants can submit resumes directly to employers using employer drop boxes available on-site. Employers will browse resumes and select potential applicants for on-site interviews. Applicants will have the opportunity to edit and/or print resumes on-site.


If you have any questions about the Congress Employer Connect, please contact Human Resources at (312) 424-9341 or For more information about ACHE's ongoing career services, please visit

Note: By registering, you agree to permit audio, video and photographic recording of your participation in Congress sessions.